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Our mission is to design, build, own and operate smart farms.

As an unconventional agri tech enterprise it is our aim to own the entire supply chain, and not simply act as a tech provider. Together with our trusted and experienced partners, we envision and execute our projects as well as secure the offtake agreements to distribute fruit and vegetables to the largest supermarkets. 

From finding the right seeds, growing and managing the cultivars, to packing and delivering the produce, we pay attention to sustainability at every step of the production process. Our aim is to become the world’s first NetZero food supply chain. 

Our low-emission and waste-free production process uses renewable energy sources: wind, water and solar power. Our innovative technologies are built to optimize light, heat, water, carbon dioxide and nutrition to the plants we grow in our smart farms. 

Food security: access to food and water should be a basic human right.

At SMARTKAS we believe access to food and water should be a basic human right. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, ‘’Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.’’

However, various global phenomena threaten food security. Global warming, overpopulation, hunger, overuse of pesticides and water shortages are our planet’s warning signs that we need to take radical measures to provide people with enough food. For instance, by 2030, two thirds of the world will be living in cities, meaning there will be an immediate need for locally produced food.

SMARTKAS farms function in a hermetically closed environment that ensures stable and consistent yield in high volumes. We use AI, robotics and cloud computing solutions to grow our plants. Thanks to this, we are also able to fully control and predict the environment that the fruits and vegetables grow in. We do not depend on the outside environment, nor do we harm it with waste or pesticides.

Our vision is to share our knowledge everywhere, with everyone.

We also have some long-term visions on what we want the future to look like. First, our goal is to be present in every single country, and focus on the exact needs of the desired region. Being adaptable to any environment, climate or height makes us scalable. We first ensure the high yield and secured weekly offtake, and only then envision the system in the entire project. We can basically grow anything, anywhere. 

Our smart farms are operated by AI. This means we are able to collect large amounts of data on plants and their growth needs. Our AI models can share their knowledge with other SMARTKAS units, no matter where they are in the world. What’s more, having collected all the useful information, we want to be able to share our database of knowledge so it can be applied to growing plants anywhere.

The next step in our vision, where it all needs to lead, is enabling local communities (especially in rural areas and third world countries) with fully set up and operational farms, so they can take care of the crops and farm them on their own. They would ultimately have the choice of either selling their fruit and vegetables, or using it for themselves. 

Year-Round Employment in a Seasonal Industry

Year-Round Employment in a Seasonal Industry



Local employment has been one of our top priorities at the Harlow strawberry smart farm facility in the United Kingdom.
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Want to learn more about how we farm at SMARTKAS? We’re celebrating this festive season with 12-days of Agtech, our essential guide to our smart farming process.

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By 2050 the planet will need to provide food for over 10 billion people. Designed to target all aspects of food security, our smart and sustainable agricultural growing processes are set to change the way we feed the world.

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